Learn How to Manage Your Safety Program with Ease

How would it feel if you had 100% Management Support in your Safety Program?

It is possible and I will teach you how!

Not only that, but I'll also throw in Employee Engagement too. This is going to be fun, Let's get started!


Learn How to Manage Your Safety Program with Ease

How would it feel if you had 100% Management Support in your Safety Program?

It is possible and I will teach you how!

Not only that, but I'll also throw in Employee Engagement too. This is going to be fun, Let's get started!

You and I Both Know that Safety is an Essential Department

Unfortunately, some people see it as a necessary evil. They go out of their way to push back on every safety improvement you try to make. This leaves you discouraged and worried.

You start making your "I told you so" list so you can throw it in their face when the day of reckoning comes. Even though in your heart you hope it never does for your employee's sake.

You spend your days fighting to get them to do the right thing.

Walking around with your reg book, so you have some backup, for what you're telling them to do. It shouldn't be this hard. Isn't it as obvious to them as it is to you that they are taking too many chances?

You start thinking that it's not worth the stress to fight it and stick to doing the bare minimum. Keeping your head down and not ruffling too many feathers.

There is a better way. I know because I found it. I have gone from double digits to VPP.

You and I Both Know that Safety is an Essential Department

Unfortunately, some people see it as a necessary evil. They go out of their way to push back on every safety improvement you try to make. This leaves you discouraged and worried.

You start making your "I told you so" list so you can throw it in their face when the day of reckoning comes. Even though in your heart you hope it never does for your employee's sake.

You spend your days fighting to get them to do the right thing.

Walking around with your reg book, so you have some backup, for what you're telling them to do. It shouldn't be this hard. Isn't it as obvious to them as it is to you that they are taking too many chances?

You start thinking that it's not worth the stress to fight it and stick to doing the bare minimum. Keeping your head down and not ruffling too many feathers.

There is a better way. I know because I found it. I have gone from double digits to VPP.

You and I Both Know that Safety is an Essential Department

Unfortunately, some people see it as a necessary evil. They go out of their way to push back on every safety improvement you try to make. This leaves you discouraged and worried.

You start making your "I told you so" list so you can throw it in their face when the day of reckoning comes. Even though in your heart you hope it never does for your employee's sake.

You spend your days fighting to get them to do the right thing.

Walking around with your reg book, so you have some backup, for what you're telling them to do. It shouldn't be this hard. Isn't it as obvious to them as it is to you that they are taking too many chances?

You start thinking that it's not worth the stress to fight it and stick to doing the bare minimum. Keeping your head down and not ruffling too many feathers.

There is a better way. I know because I found it. I have gone from double digits to VPP.

I was bogged down, pulled in every direction, and even though I was getting results, I felt stressed and pressured all the time.

My to-do list kept piling up and I knew there were critical tasks I was putting off. It was only a matter of time before it to all came tumbling on top of me.

I was bogged down, pulled in every direction, and even though I was getting results, I felt stressed and pressured all the time.

My to-do list kept piling up and I knew there were critical tasks I was putting off. It was only a matter of time before it to all came tumbling on top of me.

Once I learned how to tie every part of the business into safety and create a process around it...

Everything changed.

Management support and commitment were easy. Safety improvement projects were implemented with no hassles. Nothing was getting missed or falling through the cracks.

The best part? I was working less and achieving more.


Once I learned how to tie every part of the business into safety and create a process around it...

Everything changed.

Management support and commitment were easy. Safety improvement projects were implemented with no hassles. Nothing was getting missed or falling through the cracks.

The best part? I was working less and achieving more.

Your journey to a safety program that is effective and easy to manage begins in three simple steps...




I got you, we can fix that. Take my course and learn how to manage your program with ease.

(You get the course immediately. Be sure to check your spam and trash folders)


  • You're new to managing workplace safety.
  • You have been at it for a while and can't figure out that management/employee support piece.
  • You're right out of school and struggle to apply regulations in the real world (it's not like they say in the textbooks).
  • You have no safety experience and this was just dumped in your lap (welcome to the club).
  • Safety is only part of your job and you are running two departments at once (aka HR manager with 2 hats).


  • You're new to managing workplace safety.
  • You have been at it for a while and can't figure out that management/employee support piece.
  • You're right out of school and struggle to apply regulations in the real world (it's not like they say in the textbooks).
  • You have no safety experience and this was just dumped in your lap (welcome to the club).
  • Safety is only part of your job and you are running two departments at once (aka HR manager with 2 hats).


  • You're new to managing workplace safety.
  • You have been at it for a while and can't figure out that management/employee support piece.
  • You're right out of school and struggle to apply regulations in the real world (it's not like they say in the textbooks).
  • You have no safety experience and this was just dumped in your lap (welcome to the club).
  • Safety is only part of your job and you are running two departments at once (aka HR manager with 2 hats).